August 12, 2021 at 6:00 P.M.
Members and others Present:
Gene Young, Chairman Quinn Golden, Vice Chairman Earl Bagley
Russ Wilder Dana Rhodes Tom Diveny, Alternate
Virgil Macdonald, Selectmen’s Rep Bob Doyle Melinda Ferreira, Secretary
Members Absent:
Call Meeting to Order:
Public Announcements:
Approval of Agenda:
NH Lakes- (Lake Host Program- Local Coordinator Training Manual is on Dropbox)-
Michelle David, Program Manager, is here. The CD3 unit will be deployed at the Alton Town Docks from September 16th through the 30th as that was the soonest it was available this year.
Approval of Minutes:
July 8, 2021 & July 22, 2021
(Any permit or application that has been signed off by the Chair or Vc-Chair is entered here for the record, unless any Commissioner has questions or comments)
Planning Board/ZBA Agenda Items: None.
Standard Wetlands Dredge and Fill Applications:
1) Koning, Ronald- 258 Sleeper Island, M74 L41- Applicant proposes to install a 6x40 seasonal hinged pier adjacent to an existing crib dock. It will be placed 12’ off the existing dock and be anchored to a 5x2 concrete anchoring block at the shoreline. The block shall be placed landward of the high water elevation. One boatlift will include a 14x30 seasonal canopy. Trees located behind the dock are to remain.
2) CAM Realty Trust- 22 Acorn Ave, M66 L33- Applicant proposes to repair existing breakwater and associated dockage ‘in-kind’, and dredge a boat slip to provide sufficient water depth.
Wetland Permit by Notification (PBN): None.
Minimum Impact Expedited Applications:
1) Morin, Therese & Robert- 328 Sleeper Island, M73 L45- Applicant proposes to repair existing dock and breakwater/dock with no changes to size, shape or location. Docks and cribs damaged by ice. (G.Young signed off 7/28/21)
Shoreland Permit Applications:
1) Payzant, Keith & Susanna- 183 Sunset Shore Dr, M70 L31- Applicant proposes to improve the shorefront with a porous walkway, porous patio under the deck for roof run-off, drip edges, regrading a steep slope and planting shrubs.
2) Hinman, Barbara- 20 Pipers Point Ln, M21A L2- Applicant proposes to renovate a 4 bedroom home; replacing decks & two small additions.
Shoreland Permit by Notification (PBN): None
Notification of Routine Roadway Maintenance Activities: None
Reoccurring/Unfinished Business & Projects:
1) Green Oak Realty- Cease & Desist issued 3 weeks ago.
2) Monitoring-
3) Canoe & Kayak Access to Merrymeeting River-
4) Gaia GPS Professional Account-
5) Gilman Pond Field Mowing- Rodney Sanborn (2016), Benjamin Thompson 534-4494 (2018), Andrew Morse 817-8191, Burt Morse 455-2605, Dave Avery 569-9162
6) Shape Files for Timbers, PMHS & Hussy Properties-
7) Natural Resource Inventory Update-
New Business:
Notice of Intent to Cut Timber:
1) Everson, Marvin & Wendy- Avery Hill Rd, 116acres- M11 L1 & M10 L13-1 & 13-2
Commissioner Reports:
Vice Chair-
1) Budgeted Expense Sheet & Bank Statements
2) DES Shoreland Permit-RFMI- Lawrence- 72 Shore Rd, M18 L36-5
3) DES Wetlands Permit- Alston Realty Trust- 119 Echo Point Rd, M41 L11
4) DES Wetlands Permit-Gvazdauskas-90 Smith Point Rd, M64 L3
5) DES Standard Dredge&Fill Approval- Andrews- Big Barndoor Island, M80 L29
6) DES Standard Dredge&Fill Approval- Couture- 78 Shore Rd, M18 L36-2
7) DES Complaint- Hodges Family Trust- 128 Roger St, M54 L42- Vegetation Removal
8) DES Complaint- Carl & Maureen Johnson- Rustic Shores Rd, M23 L9- Unpermitted Dock
Date and Time of Next Meeting:
Thursday, August 26, 2021, at 6:00pm