July 14, 2022 at 6:00 P.M.
Members and others Present:
Gene Young, Chairman Dana Rhodes, Vice Chairman Earl Bagley
Russ Wilder Tom Diveny David Mank
Reuben Wentworth, Selectman’s Rep
Members Absent:
Call Meeting to Order:
Approval of Agenda:
1) 6:00 pm – Dalton Mountain Forestry, Bryan Comeau – Gilman Pond RFP proposal
2) 7:00 pm – New England Forestry Foundation, Peter Farrell – Gilman Pond RFP proposal
Approval of Minutes:
June 9, 2022 minutes
(Any permit or application that has been signed off by the Chair or Vice-Chair is
entered here for the record, unless any Commissioner has questions or comments)
Planning Board/ZBA Department Head Reviews:
1) Planning Bd case #P22-16 – CNA holdings, Inc., 84 Jesus Valley Road map14 lot 6
Proposal To subdivide Map 14 Lot 6 into four (4) lots of record. The parent lot would consist of 43.5AC, lot
1 would consist of 2.10AC; lot 2 would consist of 2.03AC; and lot 3 would consist of 2.35AC.
1) ZBA case #Z22-08 – Sarah & Brett Marcimo, 229 Alton Mountain Road, Map 11 lot 13-2
A special exemption is requested to Article 400, Section 401 B.3 of the zoning ordinance to permit the
establishment of a “Family Group child Care home”.
Signed on June 30, 2022 by G. Young with comments: “at approximately 1.5 acres, the lot is
undersized. We are concerned about the septic system’s ability to handle the increased load, and the
potential for negative effects of the groundwater and on neighbor’s wells and septic systems.”
2) ZBA case #Z22-13 – Michael & Karen Arenburg, 499 East Side Drive, Map 40 lot 19
A variance is requested to Article 300, section 327 A.2 of the zoning ordinance to permit the installation
of a 20’ X 40’ pole barn/garage that will be 1 foot from the ROW/property line along East Side Drive
(Route 28A).
Signed on June 30, 2022 by G. Young with comments: “We see no potential negative effect to
conservation values.”
Alton Conservation Commission
3) ZBA case #Z22-16 – CNA Holdings, Inc., 84 Jesus Valley Road map 14 lot 6
An Equitable Waiver of Dimension is requested in accordance with Article 500, section 504B of the
zoning ordinance to provide Equitable Waiver relief for the existing house which encroaches into the
25’ ROW setback.
Signed on June 30, 2022 by G. Young with no concern
4) ZBA case #Z22-14 – Thomas & Robin Nahill Revocable Trust, 16 Lionel Terrace map 40 lot 2-1
A special exemption is requested to article 300, section 320 H.3 of the zoning ordinance to permit
replacement of the existing foundation with a poured concrete foundation that will result in an increase
in the ridge height of approximately 18 inches.
Signed on June 30, 2022 by G. Young with no concern
5) ZBA case #Z22-15 – Michael & Arline Flayhan, East Side Drive map 35 lot 27
A variance is requested to article 300, section 327 A.2 of the zoning ordinance to permit construction of
a deck within the 25’ ROW/property line setback.
Signed on June 30, 2022 by G. Young with comments: “Proposed site for the deck appears to be steep.
Is it greater than 25%? Significant measures may be needed to prevent erosion.”
Standard Wetlands Dredge and Fill Applications:
1) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands Permit Application – Alexander and Mary Dauria, 6 Donald
Drive, M37 L36 – Applicant proposes to prevent any further erosion to a bank on their property. A portion
of their waterfront property is exposed to wave an ice action that has eroded a steep bank (about 35lineal
feet) to which they wish to restore and to halt further bank erosion into the lake. The site is unique in that
the bank is very steep from the house to the water and access to the restoration area will be limited and will
for a lot of the proposed work to be done by hand. Runoff coming off the property seems to be collecting at
the erosion area and is leading to further surface erosion in the lake. This permit is being prepared in
conjunction with a Shoreland Permit-By Notification to repair a walkway above the top of bank. Cowardin
Classification: L2UBH
2) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands Permit Application – Jason M. McKinney, 50 Minge Cove Road,
M59 L2 – Applicant proposes to repair the re-stacking of an existing and conforming dry stone wall, 40’ in
length, 2’ in height and 2’ in width. It may require adding of some additional stone, 3” to 6” in size, to
ensure stability of the wall. Any impacts will be minimal and temporary and no existing vegetation will be
altered. The only tree in the vicinity of the wall will be untouched. Most of the work if not all, will be done
in the dry. The work should last no longer than 5 days, depending on weather and the schedule of the
3) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands Permit Application – NH Department of Transportation – NH
11A over West Alston Brook, NHDOT ROW – Proposed bridge repair to bridge 076/277 which carries
11A over West Alton Brook. Work will include replacement of the reinforced concrete deck and curb, as
well as in kind repair of the abutment walls. Work to the substructure will include removal of the existing
partial concrete invert along the east abutment, repair in kind the toe wall at the east abutment and repair in
kind the footings of the west abutment. Existing rip rap at the wings will be re-stacked and rip rap will be
carried through the structure along stream channel, past the footings, and tie in with rip rap at the wings
along the east abutment. No proposed permanent impacts, repair of existing infrastructure. Temporary
impacts for access to work area and installation of erosion control measures.
Alton Conservation Commission
4) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands Permit Application – Rattlesnake Island Assoc., Map 62, lot 21
Remove existing wharf and install seasonal lift-up dock and connecting walkway
5) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands Permit Application – Brenda Rubbico Rev. Trust, 4 Notla Lane,
Map 37, lot45
Repair existing “U” shaped dock in kind, request additional ice cluser on Northerly side, request two
seasonal watercraft lifts, request after-the-fact approval of installed 12’ X 31’ canopy that was approved
as 12’ X 24’
Minimum Impact Expedited Applications:
1) Joseph & Deborah Collins, youngstwon Road, Map 8, lot 18
Proposal to cross a tier 1 intermittent stream, install two culverts
Shoreland Permit Appications:
1) Shoreland Permit Application – Paul & Heather Hardcastle, 38 Oneil Road, M22 L35 – Existing
house will be demolished and a new more conforming house will be built. Septic tank will be relocated.
A portion of the existing parking area will be converted into a permeable surface.
2) Alexander Khutoretsky, 74 Alton Shores Road, Map 72, lot 12-3
Re-locate existing cottage onto new foundation on the lot, install new spetic system and well. Porous
walkways, porous patio, and drip edges to be installed
3) Thomas Nahill Rev. Trust, 16 Lionel Terrace, Map 40, lot2-1
Permit replacement of the existing foundation with a poured concrete foundation that will result in an
increase in the ridge height of approximately 18 inches.
4) Michael Harrison, 10 Cascade Terrace, map 39, lot 14
Add a shed, replace deteriorated retaining wall, re-grade slope, install drip edges
Reoccurring/Unfinished Business & Projects:
1) Lake Lay Monitoring Program
2) Property monitoring and reports
3) Green Oak Realty gravel pit
4) Natural Resource Inventory Update – draft report received
5) Gilman Pond management plan RFP’s – choose contractor?
New Business:
Commissioner Reports:
Chairman Report -
Vice Chair Report -
Alton Conservation Commission
Member Reports -
Notice of Intent to Cut Timber
1) Alice Ziegra Rev. Trust, Map 9, lot 9
2) Roger Sample, Map 9, lot 53-2
1) NHDES Wetlands and Non-Site Specific Permit – Town of Alton, M34 L36
2) NHDES Disqualified Seasonal Dock Notification of Lakes and Ponds – 56 East Side Dr., M33 L24.
3) ACC Letter to Forest Society Proposal to relocate Blue Trail on Mount Major
4) NHDES Disqualified Seasonal Dock Notification for Lakes Ponds – Rodney M Ellott – Rte 28 a,
M33 L24A
5) Budget Report to June, 2022
Date and Time of Next Meeting:
July 28, 2022, 6:00 pm
Alton Conservation Commission