Town of Alton

Official Website of Alton, New Hampshire

Conservation Mtg.

Thursday, April 27, 2023 - 6:00pm


April 27th, 2023 6 P.M.

Gene Young, Chairman Dana Rhodes, Vice Chairman Earl Bagley
Russ Wilder Tom Diveny David Mank
Brock Mitchell, Selectman’s Rep

Others Present:

Members Absent:

Call Meeting to Order:

Public Announcements:

Approval of Agenda:


Approval of Minutes:

(Any permit or application that has been signed off by the Chair or Vice-Chair is
entered here for the record, unless any Commissioner has questions or comments)

Planning Board/ZBA Department Head Review Agenda Items:
1) Case #Z23-06, Andrew Sullivan, Esq., Agent for Green Oaks Realty, LLC, Owner, Map 5 Lot 72,398 Suncook Valley Road- A Special Exception is requested from Article 400, Section 401.D. 17 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a Contractor yard on same site as gravel pit.

2) Case #Z23-07, Jones & Beach Engineers, Agent for HVP Realty Trust, Bruce Paradise, Trustee, Map 43 Lot 11, 279 Trask Side Road - A Variance is requested from Article 300, Section 327.A.2 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a tear down and rebuild of a garage 13’ further back from prior garage.

Wetland Permit by Notification (PBN):
1) Alton Bay Christian Conference Center, 19 Winnie Ave, M34 L33 – The project proposes the installation of 15 jet ski lifts adjacent to existing legally installed seasonal docking structures on site. Each Jet Ski lift is proposed to be 14ft. in length by 5 ft. in width, total of 1,050 sq. ft.
2) Lot 1, Lakeshore Realty Trust, 62 Temple Drive, M53 L3 – Replenishment of sand on more than 100 year old beach area which has been washed away over the years. Impact area is approximately 80 feet wide.

Minimum Impact Expedited Applications:

Standard Wetlands Dredge and Fill Applications:

Shoreland Permit by Notification (SPBN):

Shoreland Permit Applications:
1) Jayna B. Stevens Rev. Trust, 57 Indian Shore Road, M61 L15 – The project proposes to completely raze an existing non-conforming primary structure and to construct a new, more nearly conforming primary structure with greater setback from public waters and new subsurface disposal system.

Notification of Routine Roadway Maintenance Activities:

Reoccurring/Unfinished Business & Projects:
1) Lake Lay Monitoring Program

2) Property Monitoring and Reports

3) Green Oak Realty

4) Natural Resources Inventory Update

5) Gilman pond Management Plan

6) Budget

7) Conserved property signs

8) Future conservation opportunities

New Business:
• Nonpublic session

Commissioner Reports:

Chairman Report-

Vice Chair Report-

Member Reports-

Notice of Intent to Cut Timber:

• Alton Conservation Land Stewardship (CLS) Field Visit

Date and time of next meeting:
May 11th, 2023 6 P.M.

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