Town of Alton

Official Website of Alton, New Hampshire

Conservation Mtg.

Thursday, May 11, 2023 - 6:00pm


May 11th, 2023 6 P.M.

Gene Young, Chairman Dana Rhodes, Vice Chairman Earl Bagley
Russ Wilder Tom Diveny David Mank
Brock Mitchell, Selectman’s Rep

Others Present:

Members Absent:

Call Meeting to Order:

Public Announcements:

Approval of Agenda:


Approval of Minutes:

(Any permit or application that has been signed off by the Chair or Vice-Chair is
entered here for the record, unless any Commissioner has questions or comments)

Planning Board/ZBA Department Head Review Agenda Items:

Wetland Permit by Notification (PBN):

Minimum Impact Expedited Applications:

Standard Wetlands Dredge and Fill Applications:
1) Metcalfe Family Revocable Trust c/o Michael & Caitlin Metcalfe, Trustees, 340 Sleeper Island, M73 L43- Reconfigure an existing 662 sf breakwater, 122 sf wharf. Propose to provide a 605 sf rock breakwater with 4’ x 34’ cantilevered pier to 6’ x 12’ connecting walkway to a 4’w x 34’ piling dock in a “U” configuration accessed by a 4’ x 15’ walkway to shore to provide two more functional and protected boatslip / safe docking. Dock qualifies for permanent dock construction pursuant to Env-Wt. 153.04 and breakwater construction pursuant to Env-Wt. 512. The breakwater is a straight breakwater design with slight dogleg at the lakeward most end minimizing impacts when compared to other breakwater design alternatives. This property is shown on appendix D and the frontage experiences significant wave energy from prevailing winds, demonstrating need. Proposal removes approx. 57 sf of breakwater material, increase dock impact by only 25sf and provides a 9.7’ gas at shore.
2) 46 Rum Point, LLC, 46 Rum Point, M57 L16 – The project proposes multiple modifications and repairs to existing “major docking structure”, including repairs of an existing grandfathered boat house, constructed over lake Winnipesaukee, with no expansion of footprint; The widening of the basin under the boathouse, removing rocks for the breakwater to make the additional space; The addition of 2 new boat slips via new docking structure, for total of 5 boat slips on 648 LF of shoreline frontage; The repair of an adjacent breakwater; and the replacement of an adjacent 6’ wide concrete deck.

Shoreland Permit by Notification (SPBN):

Shoreland Permit Applications:
1) Metcalfe Family Revocable Trust c/o Michael & Caitlin Metcalfe, Trustees, 340 Sleeper Island, M73 L43 – Provide for an addition behind the primary building line (969sf) and new accessory structure behind the existing primary structure. The proposed addition and new accessory structure will utilize approximately 82 LF of storm water management drip edge/infiltration trenches to mitigate any potential erosion and help infiltrate storm water. In addition, provide a 65.8 sf shed addition, new 115 sf retaining wall, rebuild (2) existing rock retaining walls, provide new wood stairway to proposed docking structure (wetlands permits pending). Temporary impacts to facilitate the project will equal 3,780 sf. Total impacts within the protected shoreline to equal approx. 5,857.6sf.

Notification of Routine Roadway Maintenance Activities:

Reoccurring/Unfinished Business & Projects:
1) Lake Lay Monitoring Program

2) Property Monitoring and Reports

3) Green Oak Realty

4) Natural Resources Inventory Update

5) Gilman pond Management Plan

6) Budget

7) Conserved property signs

8) Future conservation opportunities

New Business:

Commissioner Reports:

Chairman Report-

Vice Chair Report-

Member Reports-

Notice of Intent to Cut Timber:
1) 550 Muchado Hill Rd. M1 L22
2) Minge Cove Rd. M60 L7-4
3) Stockbridge Corner Rd. M61 L32
4) Jesus Valley Rd. M11 L18
5) Sample Terrace. M9 L53-2

1) ZBA-Notice of Public Hearing, Abutters Notice. (Received Monday May 1st 2023)
2) NHDES Revised Restoration Plan Approval – 183 Sunset Shore Drive, M70 L31
3) NHDES Incomplete Wetlands Permit-by-Notification – 19 Winni Ave, M34 L33
4) NHDES Disqualified Seasonal Dock Notification for Lake and Ponds – Baxter Place, M25 L13

Date and time of next meeting:
May 25th, 2023 6 P.M.

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