September 14th 2023 6PM
Gene Young, Chairman Dana Rhodes, Vice Chairman Earl Bagley
Russ Wilder Tom Diveny David Mank
Brock Mitchell,Selectman’s Rep
Others Present:
Members Absent:
Call Meeting to Order:
Public Announcements:
Approval of Agenda:
Approval of Minutes:
• 8/10/23 Meeting Minutes
(Any permit or application that has been signed off by the Chair or Vice-Chair is
entered here for the record, unless any Commissioner has questions or comments)
Planning Board/ZBA Department Head Review Agenda Items:
1) #Z23-15 - Shaina & Daniel Laurin, Agents for Christine & Joseph Perella, Owners, Map 25 Lots 33 & 13 Baxter Place - A Variance is requested from Article 400 Section 452A.1 to permit to allow building on a nonconforming under two (2) acres.
- Gene Young commented “There is insufficient data provided to make reasonable judgements. Are there wetlands? Have test pits been done? May we see a site plan?” – Signed by Gene Young 8/17/23
2) #Z23-16 - Michael Metcalfe, Owner, Map 74 Lot 43, 340 Sleepers Island - A Variance is requested from Article 300 Section 327A to permit to allow the construction of a shed within the side setback.
- Gene Young Commented “It appears that a Shoreland permit will be required for this project. Have abutters been notified”
- Signed by Gene Young 8/30/2023
3) #Z23-17 - Norway Plains Associates, Inc, Steve Oles, Agent for John Irons, Applicant and Richard & Arlene Fiore, Owners, Map 27 Lot 42 19 Depot Street - A Variance is requested from Article 463 Section B to permit access to building lot via 20’ right-of-way off Depot Street. Lot meets the 150’ frontage requirement on NH Route 28.2
- No Comments or Concerns. Signed By Gene Young 8/30/2023
4) #Z23-18 - Jones & Beach, Brad Jones, Agent for Gary Nadeau, Owners, Map 9 Lot 9 NH Route 11, Alton - A Special Exception is requested from Article 400 Section 401.D.42 and Article 600 Section 602.C.3 to permit two proposed Retail Stores with associated parking areas and access drive onto Route 11.
- Gene Young Commented “Due to the extensive wetlands on the property, the high likelihood of poor infiltration rates, and the proximity to the Merrymeeting River, which is already compromised due to high phosphorus pollution, any septic system approval should be limited to sanitary wastes only.”
- Signed by Gene Young 8/22/23
5) Z23-19 - Cerutti Contracting, LLC, Landon Allen/ John Dever, Agents for C, Janice Ferguson 2001 Revocable Trust, C Janice Ferguson & E. Karen Shirley, Trustees - Map 59 Lot 11 14 Melody Lane, Alton - A Special Exception is requested from Article 300 Section 320.J to permit removal and replacement of an existing two (2) bedroom cabin with a new two (2) Bedroom home that a portion of the deck encroaches into the shorefront set back.
- No comments or concerns. Signed by Gene Young 8/22/2023
6) Z23-20 - Gary Sullivan, Owner, Map 12 Lot 39 Old Wolfeboro Road, Alton - A Special Exception is requested from Article 300 Section 360.B to permit a private garage/storage shed.
- No comments or concerns. Signed by Gene Young 8/22/23
7) P23-20 - Shaina & Daniel Laurin, Agents for Christine & Joseph Perella, Owners, Map 25 Lots 33 & 13 Baxter Place , Lot Line Adjustment- To adjust lot lines for two (2) lots of record, with Map 25 Lot 33 adjusted from 17.56.AC to 16.93AC,and Lot 13 adjusted from 0.63 AC to 1.08AC.
- Gene Young commented “There is insufficient data provided to make reasonable judgements. Are there wetlands? Have test pits been done? May we see a site plan?” – Signed by Gene Young 8/29/23
8) P23-21 - Varney Engineering, Tom Varney, Agent for Volpe Family Revocable Trust, John & Susan Volpe, Trustees and Applicants for ABCA, Owners, Map 34 Lot 33 1 Manchester Road - Proposal: To amend an existing site plan to include the demolition and replacement of existing cottage with a new, larger cottage.
- No Comments or concerns. Signed by Gene Young 8/30/2023
Wetland Permit by Notification (PBN):
1) Wetlands PBN – Rattleberry Revocable Trust, 656 Rattlesnake Island, M79 L7 – Makes necessary repairs to an existing 31’ breakwater (675sf) and existing cantilevered dock (295sf) repaired previously under NHDES Wetlands Bureau Approval 1991-01379. Repairs to meet Env-Wt. 104.05 “repair” and Env-Wt. 513.24 (a)(2). Breakwater repairs to consist of replacing fallen or dislodged breakwater material, no new rock material is proposed. Appropriate erosion controls to be utilized.
Minimum Impact Expedited Applications:
Standard Wetlands Dredge and Fill Applications:
Shoreland Permit Applications:
1) Shoreland Permit Application-Rattlesnake Island 115 Realty Trust, Rattlesnake Island, M75 L76 – Amended previous NH Shoreland permit #2015-00379 with 9,544sq. ft. of impacts to 9,638 sq. ft.. The proposed house has been moved further back from the reference line on the original application. House size has been changed. Effluent disposal system has remained to the rear of the lot.
2) Shoreland Permit Application- Carol Geleas, 64 Lamper Road, M24 L11 – The proposed project is to construct a building addition to the existing single family residence and to upgrade septic system.
Notification of Routine Roadway Maintenance Activities:
Reoccurring/Unfinished Business & Projects:
1) Lake Lay Monitoring Program
2) Property Monitoring and Reports
3) Green Oak Realty
4) Natural Resources Inventory Update
5) Gilman pond Management Plan
6) Budget –
7) Conserved property signs
8) Future conservation opportunities
New Business:
Commissioner Reports:
• Mt. Bet - Freese Project
Chairman Report-
Vice Chair Report-
Member Reports-
Notice of Intent to Cut Timber:
• NHDES Reported Alleged Violation – 119 Echo Point Rd, M41 L11
• NHDES Notice of Findings – 224 Sleepers Island, M74 L35
• NHDES Reported Alleged Violation – 142 Hopewell Road, M5 L4
• NHDES Documented Violation – 119 Echo Point Road, M41 L11
• NHDES Letter of Deficiency – 944 Rattlesnake Island , M75 L78
• NHDES Reported Alleged Violation – 96 Hopewell Road, M21 L5
Date and time of next meeting:
• September 21st 2023 6PM