UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: To keep our members and staff safe, and to comply with RSA 91-A, the COVID-19 State of Emergency, and the Governor’s Orders on restrictions at public gatherings, the Town of Alton is holding "remote audio participation meetings”. To remotely attend the meeting (audio only) visit our website: www.alton.nh.gov the day of the meeting for telephone access and Zoom instructions listed under News and Announcements on the home page, or telephone the Planning Office at (603) 875-2162 between 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM for the Dial-in Code and Meeting ID for each Master Plan Committee meeting. If you are having difficulties accessing the remote meeting, please call (603) 507-1002 for assistance.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 2021, 6:00 P.M.
Town Hall ~ Second Floor Meeting Room
The Alternative Housing (AH) Committee will meet on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, to discuss alternative housing opportunities for the Town of Alton.