Town of Alton

Official Website of Alton, New Hampshire

Planning Board Mtg.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 - 6:00pm

Tuesday, May 17, 2022, at 6:00 P.M.

Call to Order

Appointment of Alternates

Approval of Agenda

1. Completeness Review of Application and Public Hearing if Application is Accepted as Complete (Continued by the applicants from April 19, 2022, meeting (does NOT require noticing))
Case #P22-12
Northam Survey, LLC, Agent for John Helie Life Estate, Owner
Map 29 Lots 65 & 66, Old Wolfeboro Road
Lot Line Adjustment, Residential Commercial (RC) Zone
Proposal: To adjust lot lines for two (2) lots of record, with Map 29 Lot 65 adjusted from 0.6582 AC to 0.3789 AC, and Lot 66 adjusted from 0.2888 AC to 0.5681 AC.

2. Completeness Review of Application and Public Hearing if Application is Accepted as Complete (Continued by the applicants from April 19, 2022, meeting (requires noticing))
Case #P22-19 (P22-11)
SFC Engineering Partnership, Inc., Agent for Meadow Lark Holdings, LLC, Owners
Map 19 Lot 8-2, NH Route 28/1439 Wolfeboro Hgwy.
Amended Final Major Site Plan, Rural (RU) Zone
Proposal: To amend the original project from Case #P22-11 to include an additional three (3) campsites and do away with the proposed bath house and pavilion.

3. Cases deemed Complete, continued from April 19, 2022, meeting
Case #P22-14
Varney Engineering, LLC, Agent for Green Oak Realty Development, LLC, Owner
Map 5 Lot 72, NH Route 28/398 Suncook Valley Road
Excavation Permit Application, Rural (RU) Zone
Proposal: To continue the existing excavation pit operation.

4. Completeness Review of Application and Public Hearing if Application is Accepted as Complete
Case #P22-16
Norway Plains Associates, Inc., Agent for Kemper Land Holdings, LLC, Owner
Map 19 Lot 32, 67 Drew Hill Road
Final Major Site Plan, Rural (RU) Zone
Proposal: To permit the construction of a 40’ x 60’ building and gravel parking area to be used as a Contractor’s Yard.

Case #P22-17
Norway Plains Associates, Inc., Agent for LCW Family Trust & Chelind Realty Trust, c/o Scott Werner, Owners
Map 16 Lots 12 & 26, 45 & 47 Lindsay Road
Lot Line Adjustment, Rural (RU) Zone
Proposal: To adjust lot lines for two (2) lots of record, with Map 16 Lot 12 adjusted from 63.47AC to 41.47AC, and Map 16 Lot 26 adjusted from 25.29AC to 47.29AC.

Case #P22-18
DMC Surveyors, Agent for Andrew & Shannon Kenney, Owners
Map 56 Lot 38, 200 Woodlands Road
Final Minor Subdivision, Lakeshore Residential (LR) Zone
Proposal: To subdivide Map 56 Lot 38 into two (2) lots of record. The parent lot would consist of 5.663AC, and the subdivided lot would consist of 1.298AC.

Case #P22-08
Varney Engineering, LLC, Agent for SACO-Alton 1, LLC, Owners
Map 32 Lot 50, 370 Main Street
Final Minor Site Plan, Residential Commercial (RC) Zone
Proposal: To obtain Multi-Family Structure approval with one new unit in the garage on the 2nd floor.
Letter dated March 21st from Jessica A. Call, Town Planner; and Letter dated April 8, 2022, from Varney Engineering, LLC.

Other Business:
1. Old Business:
a. Alternative Housing Committee Update
i. Review and approve one application for a non-year-round Citizen Member to sit on the Alternative Housing Committee, due to Sue Elithorpe’s resignation.
b. Facilities Committee Update
c. Master Plan Update
i. Review drafts of Chapters 3, 4, and 5
ii. Invoice #2022-133

2. New Business:
a. Alternative Housing Committee Update
a. CIP Committee Update
b. ZAC Committee Update
c. Approval of Minutes: Planning Board Meeting minutes of April 19, 2022, and Site Walk minutes of April 28, 2022

3. Correspondence for the Board's review/discussion/action:
a. Review and approve one application for a non-year-round Citizen Member to sit on the Alternative Housing Committee, due to Sue Elithorpe’s resignation.

4. Correspondence for the Board's information:
a. A Hard Road to Travel, 2022 Edition

Any Other Business to Come Before the Board

Public Input on Non-Case Specific Planning Issues

Drew Carter, Planning Board Chairman

* If there is foul weather or a lack of a quorum, the Public Hearing on applications will be continued to Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at the Alton Town Hall.

**All meetings will last no longer than 10:30 P.M., with no new cases or hearings starting after 10:00 P.M., unless extended by a majority vote of the members present. Any items remaining as unfinished business on the agenda will be given priority on the agenda of the next meeting.

JAC/ Posted 5/6/2022 REVISED 5/17/2022

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