Tuesday, November 15, 2022, at 6:00 P.M.
Call to Order
Appointment of Alternates
Approval of Agenda
1. Public Hearing on the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) of 2023-2028
2. Joint Meeting with the Zoning Amendment Committee (ZAC)
The ZAC Committee will present their recommendations for proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to the Alton Planning Board. Copies of the draft proposed zoning amendments are available online and from the Planning Department. Public Hearing date and snow date to be scheduled.
3. Completeness Review of Application and Public Hearing if Application is Accepted as Complete
Case #P22-32
Prospect Mountain Survey, Agent for Lee A. Hillsgrove Rev. Trust, Owner
Map 2 Lot 13
Dudley Road
Final Minor Subdivision
Rural (RU) Zone
Proposal: To subdivide Map 2 Lot 13 into two (2) lots of record. The parent lot would consist of 252.9AC, and proposed Lot 13-1 (A) would consist of 5.074AC.
4. Design Review
Case #P22-33
Changing Seasons Engineering, PLLC, Agent for James & Allie Brown, Applicants, and Thomas M. & Nancy C. Moore, Owners
Map 9 Lot 35
Moore Farm Lane
Design Review/Major Subdivision
Rural (RU) Zone
Proposal: To subdivide Map 9 Lot 35 into two (2) lots of record. The parent lot would consist of 187.8+/-AC, and the proposed Lot would consist of 5.01AC.
Other Business:
1. Old Business:
a. Master Plan Committee update; Invoice #2022-161; and Overlay map for proposed future land use/current zoning map.
2. New Business:
a. Approval of Minutes: Planning Board Meeting minutes of September 20 and October 18, 2022
3. Correspondence for the Board's review/discussion/action:
a. Case #P22-34: Class VI Building Permit Request for Justin & Jessica Cooper, Owners, of property located at Map 10 Lot 6, Rural (RU) Zone, on the range road that connects Avery Hill Road to Davis Road.
b. Case #P04-21: Final Road Approval/Chestnut Cove Subdivision, Ridge Road, Map 15 Lot 15
4. Correspondence for the Board's information:
a. Memo dated October 19, 2022, from Jessica A. Call, Town Planner to the Code Official, re: Follow up to an August 17, 2022, letter from the Planning Department.
Any Other Business to Come Before the Board
Public Input on Non-Case Specific Planning Issues
Drew Carter, Planning Board Chairman
* If there is foul weather or a lack of a quorum, the Public Hearing on the CIP Plan will be continued to Tuesday, November 22, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at the Alton Town Hall. The Public Hearing on applications will be continued to Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at the Alton Town Hall.
**All meetings will last no longer than 10:30 P.M., with no new cases or hearings starting after 10:00 P.M., unless extended by a majority vote of the members present. Any items remaining as unfinished business on the agenda will be given priority on the agenda of the next meeting.
Posted 11/2/2022 Revised 11/8/2022
Alton Planning Board
Public Hearing Capital Improvements Program (CIP)
Notice is hereby given of a Public Hearing to consider the CIP Plan of 2023, as proposed by the CIP Committee, to be held in the Alton Town Hall at 6:00 P.M. on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, at the Planning Board meeting.
Copies of the Plan of 2023 will be available at the hearing, on the town’s website at, or can be picked up in draft form at the Town Hall Planning Department during regular business hours.