Cyanobacteria Mitigation Steering Committee Meeting of January 28,2021 Zoom Meeting at 6PM Preliminary Agenda
1. Approval of the Minutes of the CMSC Meeting on October 15,2020.
2. Discussion of a meeting called by the Alton Board of Selectmen to review the Engineering Report in the Mill Pond Supplement to the Watershed Management Plan (WMP) and have their questions answered by the Principal Engineer, Brian Laverierre. A request has been made for this expense to be covered by the WMP account. Amount $630.00
3. Discussion of findings of last year’s river water flow calculations and the deficiency seen under very low and very high flow conditions. Quimby sought an estimate from Don Kretchmer to correct this deficiency. A request is being made to have the WMP account pay for the calibration of two stream gauges during very low flow conditions in 2021.Amount $600.00
4. Discussion of the s319 grant awarded to New Durham by the NH DES and USEPA and progress made on this project since the award.
5. Discussion of a recent conversation with Jonathan Higgins of Amesbury, MA on the possibility to use the Merrrymeeting River watershed to validate the efficacy of removing phosphorus from phosphorus-rich sediment in the riverbed and to reduce the number of cyanobacteria organisms in the river during a cyanobacteria bloom.